Empathy training, being as a sort of education activities, purpose of which is to improve children's capability in apperceiving, understanding and sharing others 'feelings, more accord with ideal cognition-attitude-behavior mode in mental health education. 旨在提高幼儿在感知和分享他人情感方面能力的教育活动-移情训练更符合理想的心理健康教育模式知-信-行的理念。
Therefore, the research on empathy is important to reduce crime or attacking anti-social behavior, increased helping, sharing and pro-social behavior. 因此,关于移情的研究对减少犯罪、攻击等反社会行为,增加助人、分享等亲社会行为具有积极的现实意义。
Many researchers believe that empathy can not only enhance the helping, sharing and prosocial behavior, but also reduce the attacks, and anti-social behavior. 许多研究者认为移情不仅能增强助人、分享等亲社会行为,还能降低攻击等反社会行为。